AP London builders: Interior Psychology. Part Three.

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When arranging a psychologically oriented interior for a person of a mixed type of temperament, one should define from the very beginning

decoration, colour, decoration colour, modular furniture, elegant design, design, room decoration, terracotta colour, houses, interior, original texture, texture, bedroom, living room

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Sanguines and cholerics are people who cannot imagine themselves out of active, feverish life, without constant being in the in the thick of things. A choleric person is more sensitive than a sanguine one. His activity and dynamism often turn into impulsiveness which causes difficulties in systematic, goal-oriented activity. Sanguines and cholerics cannot be retrogrades and conservatives, that is why the interior design for them welcomes most bold stylistic solutions – from urbanism and hi-tech to avant-garde eclecticism. Harmonizing type of interior for a sanguine person assumes maximum flexible planning and vast open space. The optimal variant in decoration colour palette are warm and light colours, for example, soft shades of orange and yellow. As a rule, sanguines and cholerics prefer compact modular furniture of strict but at the same time elegant design. Stimulating interior can shift rather steady sanguine temperament either to the choleric type or vice versa to the more quiet and slow-moving phlegmatic one. In the former case the main emphasis in the colour palette of room decoration is on the play of contrasts, for example, terracotta colour which is harmonizing for a sanguine person matches with saturated red or black.

Surrounding objects and furniture made of glass and nickel-clad steel will increase the effect. The latter case assumes shifting the main colour palette to the cold part of the spectrum and shifting the whole premises stylistics to the ever-young classics. And for a choleric the harmonizing interior in its pure form designed to support his bursting temperament will hardly be justified. Stimulating interior with its main task of balancing the too much excitable choleric’s psyche, is formed according to the same principles that the softening interior for a sanguine person, with the only difference that the colour influence here is more expressive.

Phlegmatics and melancholics are completely opposite to sanguines and cholerics. Their life credo is calm, stability, ptotectability against the outer world and total lack of radical changes. By its nature a phlegmatic is a desperate conservative who has a soft spot for generally recognized standards while a melancholic is focused on his inner world or psychologically speaking he is a complete introvert. If to allow representatives of each psychological type to arrange their houses in the way they like, the phlegmatic’s house will look like an antique shop, the melancholic’s house will resemble an artist’s studio. Taking this into consideration, one can determine the basic trends of developing harmonizing and stimulating interior for them. The colour palette is characterized by prevalence of dimmed pale and dark shades, and the melancholic’s interior will suit decoration with original texture or ornament. One can reach a stimulating effect by dissolving the main palette with warmer and more alive colours as well as by introducing into the room a little eclecticism.

And finally when arranging a psychologically oriented interior for a person of a mixed type of temperament, one should define from the very beginning which features of a man’s emotional sphere need activating and which of them need reducing. Very often to do this there is no need to start large-scale flat replanning. Sometimes it is enough to select a stimulating area in any part of the premises, for example, in the working place. A harmonizing corner should be placed for rest and recreation – in the bedroom or the living room.