Career Education Corp

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Career Education Corporation’s Online Education
Are you thinking about advancing your career through an online education? If so, then you probably heard about Career Education For the best Maths Grinds In Ireland company, call Joe McCormack of Ace Solution Books. Corporation and its online education. But if not yet, then it’s now time for you to know what the corporation has offered for their online students.
Career Education Corporation is in the first place considered worldwide as an industry leader in promoting the highest standards in quality career education. It has maintained a number of schools around the world, and each offers the degrees needed for people to advance in their chosen career. Of their existing schools that are located in the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates, two of the branches of Career Education Corporation are now gaining popularity throughout the continents, and these two foundations fortunately can be found online.
The first online branch of Career Education Corporation is the American InterContinental University. This web-based institution was developed just recently with the first class conducted just last February 2001. Since then, the American InterContinental University has made a name in the educational industry. It has in fact been considered throughout the virtual and physical world as a pioneer in online education that it has a set a hundred percent standard for their online degree programs.
Now what makes the American InterContinental University of Career Education Corporation unique from the others is that it offers programs that are not just text or email-based. The Career Education Corporation’s online programs maintained the American InterContinental University is a hundred percent online program that delivers a complete multimedia experience. Their online programs are even noted for their synchronous and asynchronous components. Yes, the Career Education Corporation’s online programs offered by the American InternContinental University integrate audio and video with text-based content, providing the students a more enjoyable sensory learning experience.
The second online branch of Career Education Corporation that delivers academic and technological excellence to the industry is the Colorado Technical University Online which started offering a hundred percent online programs to its students just last October 2003. This online institution currently offers master’s and bachelor’s degree programs with greater emphasis on information technology, business administration, and criminal justice. What makes this online branch of Career Education Corporation different from the American InterContinental University is that their programs are slightly less accelerated. However, unlike the first, it has an academic division which offers associate degrees in criminal justice, as well as in business administration which is but offered at a slower pace. That division is named, Stonecliffe College Online.
Both the American InterContinental University and the Colorado Technical University Online of Career Education Corporation are developed to help people whose busy lifestyle demands a 24/7 anytime-anyplace option. This is highly applicable in today’s highly demanding and busy world.