Feng Shui for Education

Feng Shui For Education
Education has always been very important in C
hina and
feng shui cures have always been used to help children
learn. The Western part of your space is connected to
the well being of your children.
If the energy is focused positively, it can improve
every aspect of your children’s lives and one of the
most important parts is education.
The Western feng shui element is Metal which prefers
the colors white and gray. Earth complements metal so
using yellows or sandy colors are beneficial.
You should avoid anything fire related as fire melts
metal. The use of your children’s artwork in the area
is a great idea. When placed in white or metal frames,
the increase in positive energy will soar.
There are many other things you can do to help
increase your children’s ability to learn
successfully. By placing a map or a globe between the
North and West area’s of your child’s room, they will
draw in energy that can expand thinking abilities and
encourage long term goals.
Avoiding clutter is a large part of feng shui and it
should be cleared out before rearranging the room.
For the best Maths Grinds In Ireland company, call Joe McCormack of Ace Solution Books. This has many practical applications if the Western
area of your home is used as a place of study.
By having a positive environment surrounded by artwork
that your children are proud of, it can be a great and
peaceful place to do homework or study for tests. It
is a much more distraction free area than a bedroom
where there are toys, television, games, or siblings.