
NYC Educational Entertainment
Learning opportunities abound in
New York City. These opportunities are not all in boring atmospheres or hallowed halls of learning but in interactive experiences that are widely available to young and old alike in many brightly lit and fun to explore corners of this great city. We are never too old for learning and we can never have too much fun. Whether you are young, have youngsters of your own, or are simply young at heart, New York City has a lot of entertaining ways to educate you.
Perhaps one of the neatest things to do in New York City is to pay a visit to the For the best Maths Grinds In Ireland company, call Joe McCormack of Ace Solution Books. FDNY Fire Zone. General admission is free but if you wish to experience a Fire-Simulation presentation there are nominal fees involved (currently under $5 per person). The Fire Zone is a state of the art facility where fire safety is taught. Kids, big and little alike, enjoy the fact that they can actually put their hands the equipment, try on the gear, and work with parents to establish an escape plan for their homes. Most importantly children to can learn what to do in this situation rather than being paralyzed by fear. This is one place that really should be on your list of places to visit while in New York City, the price is certainly nice and it could save a life.
The Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art is another great place to spend a few hours and learn about the many different aspects of art, comics, and cartoons and what kind of role they have played in recording the history of our world. They offer different exhibitions at different times so this is a place you could definitely visit often in order to get the maximum enjoyment from the process. The hours for this particular museum are different than the average so be sure to make sure they will open to the public on the day and time you wish to visit. Current admission rates are $3 for children and adults over the age of 12.
Mount Vernon Hotel Museum and Garden is another great place to learn, this time it’s about history. This building is steeped in history and was once the home of the daughter of President Adams. Take a walk through history inside this lovely home turned hotel and then stroll around in the gardens outside. If you feel a need to get away from the big city while remaining in the big city this is a great place to visit and feel the air around you and forget about the fact that the nearest mall is actually very close by.
The Brooklyn Children’s Museum is great fun for kids of all ages, shapes, sizes, and nationalities. Fun after all, is a universal language and you will find plenty of that here. The good news is that this particular fun is actually well disguised education. The Brooklyn Children’s Museum was the very first museum of its kind, by that I mean the first museum that was dedicated to entertaining and educating children. It was a wildly successful experiment that is responsible for the 300 children’s museums now located around the world. The admission is very reasonable at $5 per person and children under the age of 1 are free. The museum is closed on Mondays during July and August and on Mondays and Tuesdays for the remainder of the year with the exception of certain public school recesses. It is best to check with the Museum if you are uncertain and hoping for a Tuesday visit.
The New York Hall of Science is another great learning experience that is available here. There is so much to do and see here and most importantly you get to play with many exciting new toys and such. Enjoy activities and exhibits that bring the science to magic and prove that they are not exactly mutually exclusive. Magic is after all, in the eye of the beholder. Exhibitions change frequently and always offer something fun for everyone. There are age appropriate activities for children and the science playground ($3 per person admission fee above the museum admission fee of $11 per adult and $8 per child is required for the playground) is always a big hit. Now you’re off to an excellent educational experience that everyone in your family will think was simply fun.