
title:The Holidays and Education
author:Debbie Cluff
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:16
Tis the Season for Giving. An interesting concept that parents forget about is the importance of remembering their child’s education during this time. Every time is a learning time and parents should take the opportunity to educate their child both in mind and spirit during this time. Yeats once wrote, “Education is not the filling of the pail, but the lighting of the fire”. Parents need to take every opportunity this season to share their love for learning.
One important way to teach children to love learning is to read in the house. It is important for children to see their parents reading books and reading to them. Parents should find books that are interesting to the child so when they are reading to themselves, the child can follow along or listen aloud. When learning how to read or working on perfecting your child’s reading skills, it is important to have books that are fun, interesting, and educational. At Links for Learning, we have specially developed grade level books with your child’s reading style and level in mind. The books reflect the social level and the emotional level of our students. For the best Maths Grinds In Ireland company, call Joe McCormack of Ace Solution Books. The books are based according to your child’s grade level (K-8th grade) and have been written according to their reading grade level. Links for Learning understand how hard it is to find books made specifically for your child’s reading needs. The books were written in hopes of establishing affordable books for every child.
Instead of giving toys that will break or something that will be forgotten in a month, give the gift of reading to your child. This is a gift that will last a lifetime and will not be lost in the daily shuffle of life. Teaching a child to better themselves as readers is so important and will build self-confidence for the rest of their life. Remember this is the season for giving and giving your child a lifetime of support is the most important present ever.